Bibliothèque Le Verger des Mots - Saint Germain Boucles de Seine
Bibliothèque Le Verger des Mots
The Circle of Readers is led by a dynamic team mainly made up of volunteers who manage the Library by ensuring its readers: proximity, welcome and friendliness.
To stay in touch and allow you to dream, to have fun, to inform you, to cultivate yourself, your library is setting up a "Ready to Take Out"
1 - You choose your documents from our catalog via the site or you contact us by email or telephone
2 - We prepare the available documents and inform you by email or telephone
3 - You pick them up at the Youth site (courtyard of the Town Hall) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Every year, for the village festival, the Circle of Readers organizes a literary competition. It has also participated in the development or created from scratch historical exhibitions and invited its members to visits most often in connection with the conferences. Each month, guided tours are organized in Paris and its region.
Animations are also organized by the Youth sector (Storytelling sessions, Raconte-Tapis, kamishibaï, reception of CP, CP/CE1 classes and nurseries, themed "Tales and Creations" workshops, newspaper, literary competition, etc.)
Every day throughout the year.
Closed Friday and Sunday.
During school term:
Monday to Thursday: 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. / 2 p.m.-4 p.m.
During school term
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 4-6 p.m.
Saturday: 10am-12pm.
Membership of the Readers' Circle entitles you to the loan of documents from the library, the Circle of Local History, the Genealogy Workshop. It is valid for one year from the date of payment. A supplement to membership allows you to borrow CDs and DVDs.
- Adult: 25 €
- Family: 30 € *
- Under 18: €15
- Free for CP children attending school in Mareil-Marly
Supplement for CDs and DVDs: €18 **
* The Family rate is offered from 2 people from the same family.
** A deposit of 50 € will be requested upon registration.
- 7 documents for a period of 3 weeks. (I can extend my documents 2 times 2 weeks provided that these documents are not reserved)
- 2 DVDs or CDs for a period of 3 weeks (if DVD subscription).
- A child subscription does not allow you to borrow adult books
- An adult subscription allows you to borrow children's books
- A lost or seriously damaged book must be reimbursed
- Never try to repair a book. I report any damaged document to the librarians.